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CV Rebecca Rothenberg

Ms. Rothenberg is an urban planner with a background in community revitalization, market analysis, needs assessments, and affordable housing policy and finance. She has authored and managed more than 30 housing and community development projects, working with States, counties, cities and neighborhoods to assess market conditions, analyze housing needs for all income groups, and strategize for new investments in housing and commercial development.


She has also provided ongoing technical assistance to State and City departments for housing needs, market analysis, rent studies, policy development, and implementation. Ms. Rothenberg served as Housing Lead and Advisor to HCD for the Camp Fire CalOES Recovery Support Function in 2019 and served on Mayor Landrieu’s Housing Task Force for housing recovery Post-Katrina in New Orleans. She has a Master’s in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Pennsylvania and a B.A. from the University of Minnesota.

Selected Project Summaries

Maricopa Housing Needs Assessment and Housing Plan (2017 - 2018)

City of Maricopa, AZ

Ms. Rothenberg completed a Housing Needs Assessment and Housing Plan for the City of Maricopa in July 2018. The project included a thorough analysis of housing needs among workers, persons with special needs, seniors, individuals and families through robust data collection and analysis, and a thorough community engagement process that included an online survey, three (3) focus group meetings, stakeholder interviews, five (5) presentations to city council, strategic planning sessions with the Housing Committee, and an affordable housing charrette. Research included analysis of HUD data, MLS listings, American Community Survey statistics, LEHD worker migration patterns, and quality of life indicators. The final report was effective in illustrating a dire need for more affordable rental housing to support economic development and allow households of all ages and sizes to remain in the community. Through this effort, the city worked with the AZ Housing Finance Agency to secure tax credits for its first affordable housing development. The final plan won the American Planning Association best Comprehensive Plan in 2018.

Unmet Needs Assessment for Santa Rosa from the Tubbs Fire, California 2018

City of Santa Rosa

Ms. Rothenberg was contracted by Hagerty Consulting to develop an unmet needs assessment for Santa Rosa after the fires of 2017 in support of the city’s advocacy for CDBG-DR recovery funding. This included an analysis of FEMA Individual Assistance, SBA, CALFIRE and assessor records to determine impacts, funds available through insurance and other federal programs, and remaining unmet need. Additionally, she met with city council, department managers, and community stakeholders to assess economic impacts and resiliency needs. The study was presented to HCD, which led to the city receiving a substantial CDBG-DR grant for multi-family development, and provided insight to the State of California on how FEMA and HUD calculate unmet needs in the event of a fire, which defers greatly with flood-impacted areas. The State has used the findings of this study to lobby for more sophisticated methods of addressing unmet needs in the event of a fire.

Shreveport Choice Neighborhoods and Revitalization Strategies (2012 - 2018)

City of Shreveport, LA

Ms. Rothenberg provided ongoing assistance to the City of Shreveport and the Housing Authority of the City of Shreveport to revitalize the historic Allendale, Ledbetter and West Edge neighborhoods adjacent to downtown. In 2012, she was chief researcher and author of a market study for six distressed neighborhoods including the Choice Neighborhood. This included projected housing demand among various income groups, tenure, and family type for each neighborhood, an analysis of retail potential, and a set of recommendations for revitalization that takes into account market potential, public perception, and physical condition of each neighborhood. In 2016 and 2017, Ms. Rothenberg served as program manager for the City’s Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant application. In this role, she assisted the Housing Authority for the City of Shreveport solicit a development team for a mixed use housing and commercial development plan, and managed the development of the plan for submittal to HUD. This included revising the market analysis, managing the planning and development teams to develop a cohesive application vetted through community engagement, and authoring several sections of the final application. In 2018, Shreveport was awarded $24.2 million from HUD.

CDBG-DR Technical Assistance

  • Advisor to California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) and California Housing and Community Development, Camp Fire Recovery, 2019.

  • City of Santa Rosa, California, 2018. Lead researcher and author for the city’s Unmet Needs Assessment in support of the 2017 CDBG-DR Action Plan.

  • State of North Carolina, Department of Commerce, 2017: Principal Researcher and Author, Unmet Needs Assessment; Program Design for Homeowners, Rental Housing, and Small Businesses.

  • State of Indiana, Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, 2016: Principal Researcher and Author, Disaster Impact Analysis and Unmet Needs Assessment

  • State of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, 2015; Principal Researcher and Author, Unmet Needs Assessment; Program Design for Rental Housing and Small Businesses.

  • State of New York, Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery, 2013 – 2014; Principal Researcher and Author, Unmet Needs Assessment; Project Manager, Data Management Reporting Portal

  • State of New Jersey, New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, 2012, 2014; Principal Researcher and Author, Unmet Needs Assessment; Technical Assistance for Data Management and Reporting, Homeowner Recovery Program

  • State of Louisiana, Louisiana Housing Corporation, 2006, 2008, and 2010; Principal Researcher and Author, Housing Needs Assessment and Recovery Tracking post-Hurricane Katrina

Other Projects

• Housing Needs Assessment, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Delaware
Federal Home Loan Bank, Pittsburgh, 2020

• Denton Housing Needs Assessment
City of Denton, Texas, 2020 (subcontractor to The Reinvestment Fund)

• Nebraska CDBG-DR Housing Recovery Programs
Department of Economic Development, 2020 (subcontractor to Hagerty Consulting)

• Technical Assistance for Analysis of Impediments, City of Chattanooga
HUD Community Compass, 2018 – 2019 (subcontractor to CVR & Associates)

• Market Analysis for Distressed HUD Properties, Indiana
HUD Community Compass, 2019 (subcontractor to BCT Partners)

• Technical Assistance for Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grantees, Compliance and Monitoring Quarterly and Annual Reports
HUD Community Compass, 2016 – 2017 (subcontractor to ICF International)

• Delaware Housing Needs Assessment, 2015 - 2020
Delaware Housing Authority, 7/2013 – 10/2014

• Puerto Rico Public Housing Redevelopment Plan - Neighborhood Assessment and Market Analysis
HUD, 2/2013 – 6/2014 (sub-consultant to CVR & Associates)

• CDBG Grant Administration for Multi-Family Development
Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government, 6/2012- 6/2014

• Paul Maillard Road Sustainable Communities Plan – Economic Development, Housing and Implementation
 St. Charles Parish, 11/2012 - 5/2013 (sub-consultant to Burk-Kleinpeter)

• Surplus Cash Flow Analysis for Multi-Family Developments under the Piggyback Program
Louisiana Office of Community Development, 5/2012 – 1/2014 (sub-consultant to The Compass Group)

• Cost Benefit Analysis, Water Management Strategies in New Orleans
Greater New Orleans Foundation, 9/2012 – 5/2013

• Shreveport Revitalization Plan for Six Targeted Neighborhoods
City of Shreveport Office of Community Development, 2/2012 – 12/2012

• Alexandria Master Plan – Housing Component
City of Alexandria, 5/2012 – 5/2013 (sub-consultant to Concordia Planning)

• Iberville Public Housing Transformation Initiative, Housing and Measurable Outcomes
Housing Authority of New Orleans, 11/2010 – 5/2012

• Scattered Sites Portfolio Redevelopment and Disposition Plan
Housing Authority of New Orleans, 11/2010 – 5/2012  

• Strategic Plan and Implementation Plan for Real Estate Development
Housing Authority of New Orleans, 11/2010 – 5/2012

• Needs Assessment for Section 8 and Program Design for Tenant-Landlord Web-Based Application
Housing Authority of New Orleans, 7/2010 – 11/2010

• Statewide Housing Needs Assessment
Louisiana Housing Finance Agency, 2006, 2008 and 2010

• Joint Land Use Study for Belle Chasse Naval Base
Plaquemines Parish Government, 1/2010 – 8/2010

• Market Study for New Orleans Housing Needs
Louisiana Office of Community Development, 3/2010 – 12/2010 (partnership with the University of New Orleans)

• Road Home Piggyback Program Market Analysis, FMR Study and Rent Reasonableness
Louisiana Office of Community Development, 6/2009 - 12/2010 (sub-consultant to The Compass Group)

• Feasibility Study for Commercial, Residential and Retail Development
Iberville Parish, 6/2008 – 1/2009

• Market Feasibility Analysis for Housing and Commercial Growth
City of Central, 5/2008 – 12/2008

• Agency 10-Year Strategic Plan
Louisiana Housing Finance Agency, 10/2006-3/2007

• LIHTC Underwriting and QAP Technical Assistance
Louisiana Housing Finance Agency, 11/2006 – 4/2007

• Workforce Housing Study
Habitat for Humanity St. Tammany, 1/2007 - 6/2007

• Market Study for Modular Housing Post-Hurricane Katrina
Unity Homes Development, 11/2006 – 12/2007

Work History

Principal, Atria Planning (2015 – present)


Director, Housing and Planning Division, GCR Inc. (2012 – 2014)


Senior Advisor for Development, Housing Authority of New Orleans (2010 – 2012)


Senior Planner, GCR & Associates (2006 – 2010)


Assistant Project Manager, The Partnership CDC (2004 – 2006)

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